How do you calculate the time of prayer?

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Enregistré le : 02 avr. 2024, 21:14
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How do you calculate the time of prayer?

Message non lupar Linch » 30 déc. 2024, 06:17

Hello everyone. How do they calculate the time of azan in Calicut? Just recently moved and don't know how it works yet.

Messages : 28
Enregistré le : 04 avr. 2024, 21:46
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Re: How do you calculate the time of prayer?

Message non lupar Joker » 30 déc. 2024, 06:32

The time for offering prayers varies from city to city as it depends on sunrise, zenith and sunset. I recommend using this website to find out the exact time of azan in Calicut.

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